Webinar roundup

Align the online donation journey with supporter expectations

Event overview

This webinar was a chance for attendees to hear about a recent research report Daydot created focusing on the Charity sector.

To generate insights for the report our Optimisation Manager audited 9 charities using our heuristic methodology identifying what charities were doing well, if there were any barriers to users donating, and opportunities to test and optimise to create an enhanced user experience to meet supporter expectations and therefore increase donations.

Heuristic analysis is the tip of the iceberg in terms of potential customer research and digital optimisation, but it is the perfect place to start. Watch the video above or read more below. If you want to learn more please get in touch and we'd be happy to share more about our audit packages.

Key speakers
Suzie Duncan

Head of Marketing, Daydot

Suzie was host for this webinar sharing a brief introduction to Daydot and Digital Experience Optimisation (DxO).

"Smoothing out the bumps in your donation journey is essential to ensure supporters are inspired by your proposition, trust your brand and want to support your cause."
Suzie Duncan
Alex Toplis

Senior Optimisation Manager, Daydot

Alex explained why research is essential in order to identify opportunities for optimisation. He then went on to outline the 7 Daydot conversion levers and the methodology used for the Charity sector audit report. Real examples from the report were presented and examined in order to give attendees ideas for how they could optimise their own charity websites.

Key take-outs
  • To identify opportunities for digital optimisation charities need to answer 3 important questions: What are the 'drivers' bringing visitors to the website? What 'hooks' have persuaded visitors to donate? What were the barriers to why visitors didn't donate?
  • A heuristic analysis is an evaluation method in which one or more experts compare a digital product's design to a list of predefined questions, contained in a framework.
  • Daydot have 7 heuristic conversion levers we use for our analysis. This enables us to provide actionable recommendations for charities, the quick wins which will drive immediate ROI. Then we move down the priority list to ensure the entire donation journey is optimised and exceeds supporter expectations.
"Digital optimisation doesn't have to be complicated, you identify opportunitites, prioritise where to start, state what you think will happen and then test to find out! It becomes addictive to be honest but there is no down-side to this addiction (I promise). Test, learn, optimise, repeat and unleash growth for your charity."
Alex Toplis
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